Students search through magazines, newspapers, and other printed materials to find, cut, and glue letters that are in their name or in words they know, letters that are the beginning consonants for names of given pictures, or for all the different styles of one particular letter.

When students visit this center, they are assigned one of the following tasks...

  • Letters in My Name Search
    Printable Name Search Paper
    Students search through magazines or newspapers, cut out, and glue the letters that make up their name.  For younger students, I would suggest writing their name on the sheet for them or having their name card in front of them as they complete this task. 
  • Letter Search
    Printable Letter Search Sheets
    Students are given a sheet with six letters that they have been learning in class. They are asked to search through printed materials to find the same upper and lowercase letters, cut them out, and glue them in the correct box. 
  • Letter Sound Search
    Printable Letter/Sound Search Sheets
    Printable Blank Letter/Sound Sheets 
    Students are given a sheet with nine different pictures on it. Students need to say the name of each picture and figure out the letter that each begins with. They then are asked to locate (within magazines, newspapers, etc.), cut, and glue the letter that each picture begins with in the corresponding box.


ABC Center Index